Gone with the black dots – How to do it?

Many women have skin problems and many want to get rid of them. As a result, they are subject to advertisements and likable articles that inform that it is thanks to them that the skin will be without a single flaw. But how effective are these products, as described in the ads? Do they really work one hundred percent?

Benefits of coconut oil
– It is a great moisturizer
– It has antibacterial and antiviral effects
– It can help with the treatment of skin diseases
– Acts on dry skin and eczema
– It can also heal wounds, which is great for skin that is prone to acne

Benefits of baking soda
– It is amphoteric, thus neutralizing pH imbalance by acting as an acid
– Acts on dry skin and blackheads
– It focuses on inflammation and redness of the skin
– It can minimize the size of pimples

It’s simple, just two ingredients and you can make an effective skin product at home. Thanks to it, your skin will glow nicely, blackheads, unpleasant acne will be minimized and overall the skin will look fresh. How to do it?

– 1 teaspoon baking soda (without aluminum)
– 2 teaspoons of organic virgin coconut oil

Mix both ingredients in a small bowl, it is always good to prepare the mixture for only one treatment. Be sure to make a paste that you will then apply to your skin. Always apply to the skin gently in a circular motion. Leave on skin for more than five minutes. Then rinse with warm water in a circular motion.
Then dry the skin with a clean towel. Coconut oil should hydrate the skin, so there is no need to apply another moisturizer. Repeat this process only twice a week.